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KLRN & San Antonio Public Library

San Antonio Public Library's partnership with KLRN.

One-Room Schoolhouses

Dedicated to ". . preserving the past to enrich the future." the Friends of Gillespie County volunteers--former students and teachers, along with others who are interested in preserving the one-room schoolhouses--have been working together since 2000. 

Even when the schools aren't open, you can visit the 12 schoolhouses on their driving tour, walk the grounds and take pictures.

Historic Schoolhouses in Gillespie County


Homesteading is a lifestyle that emphasizes self-sufficiency. You'll find guidance on many items familiar from "Little House" such as raising chickens, preserving food and making your own soap.

American Masters -- Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie to page

American Masters is an award-winning biography series, celebrates our arts and culture. Launched in 1986, the series has set the standard for documentary film profiles, accruing widespread critical acclaim. 


Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie to page

An unvarnished look at the unlikely author whose autobiographical fiction helped shape American ideas of the frontier and self-reliance.

Premieres: 12/29/20

Suggestions for additional reading

For fans of "The Little House" series who wish to read others like it--or learn more about Laura Ingalls Wilder or the time and place she described so vividly.

Suggestions for Younger Readers -- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Suggestions for Younger Readers -- Pioneer Life

Pioneer Challenges

Challenge yourself to try your hand at some old-fashioned task.

Pioneer Challenge image

Download the file for a printable version.

Context--Racism in a Little House

Suggestions for providing context and discussions of the racism and stereotypes in the Little House series.