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Graphic Novels

A handy guide to graphic novels and anthologies available from the San Antonio Public Library


Over the years Graphic Novels have become more and more popular, and are now widely regarded as a valid medium for sophisticated stories of all genres as well as a valuable source for big budget, Hollywood franchises and television series.  Explore San Antonio Public Library's graphic novel collection and immerse yourself in the wondrous mash-up of illustration and prose.

What is a graphic novel?

According to

"Graphic Novel" is a format, not a genre. Graphic novels can be fiction, non-fiction, history, fantasy, or anything in-between.

Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use sequential art to tell a story. Unlike comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots. Collections of short stories that have been previously published as individual comic books are also considered graphic novels.

Get much more information about graphic novels by visiting their site: getgraphic

Where to Start?

New in Comics and Graphic Novels @ SAPL