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Cosmic Horror

and Cosmicism in general

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About the Genre

What is Cosmic Horror to you?
Extraterrestrial & Interdimensional Entities: 3 votes (14.29%)
Ancient Civilizations: 0 votes (0%)
Horror Beyond Comprehension: 15 votes (71.43%)
Underwater Cities & Gods: 0 votes (0%)
Insanity From Knowledge: 2 votes (9.52%)
Occult Practice & History: 1 votes (4.76%)
Total Votes: 21

Any of the options in the poll above could be correct. Narratives in cosmic horror and cosmicism can vary in different ways. This subgenre is one that builds on our fear of the unknown and of esoteric knowledge that we cannot comprehend. The horror here comes from ancient pre-human civilizations, unfathomable and eternal elder things, madness from grasping the arcane, and dread that one could not even begin to envision. The genre of cosmic horror is largely credited to author H.P. Lovecraft. His entire fiction bibliography is considered the cornerstone of the genre, and much of the cosmic horror that has come since includes themes, characters, and settings that are all derived from his stories.

Lovecraft's stories were typically set in what is now referred to as "Lovecraft Country." This encompasses the New England region of the United States, which includes Lovecraft's home state of Rhode Island. Some of the fictional locations in Lovecraft's work include Insmouth, Arkham, Dunwich, and the Miskatonic River. Also, there might sometimes be an exotic setting that is undiscovered by current civilizations and has remained untouched by humanity for anywhere from centuries to eons.

Perhaps the most iconic part of cosmic horror that truly begins with Lovecraft are the characters of the "Elder Gods," the most well-known being Cthulhu. These are cosmic beings whose existence means the eventual destruction of humanity. They are beings of incomprehensible power and any human unlucky enough to confront one is sure to go mad. Some specific human characters that come directly from Lovecraft's stories include Charles Dexter Ward, Arthur Jermyn, Randolph Carter, Herbert West, and Richard Pickman. Some character archetypes that are commonly found in this fiction include detectives, explorers, or scientists. Simply put, any profession that is involved in discovery, for they would be apt to dig further into certain locations, studies, ancient histories, or indigenous peoples and uncover things that were better left undisturbed.

One of the most important parts of cosmic literature is the theme of fear of unknowable knowledge and all that is unknown. This knowledge is not something meant for human comprehension. The knowledge in question is typically something that reveals the inconsequential nature of all human civilization. Our insignificant place in the cold, unforgiving cosmos is revealed to the protagonist, and they become mentally incapacitated by these morbid facts.



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