Choosing plants that require less water helps our environment and ensures your garden or landscaping stays vibrant even under watering restrictions.
Saving water saves you money on your water bill, but SAWS residential customers can get a little something extra to reward you for water-wise ways. Apply for Watersaver Coupons and Rebates from SAWS. Find all the available coupons and rebates on SAWS' Garden Style San Antonio section.
Permaculture embraces practices and methods to make an endeavor, such as a garden, sustainable for the long-run and as self-sufficient as possible, which saves you time and effort!
When searching the catalog use different search terms based on the type of gardening you’re interested in—organic, flower, houseplants, etc.
In the case of houseplants use “house plants” or “indoor gardening” for best results. Using quotation marks ensures the words are searched as a phrase--rather than unrelated words.
A complete listing of instructions and restrictions can be found at Here are some highlights:
Under the new Stage 3 watering rules, irrigation system hours of use remain the same, but a high-use surcharge will apply to residential customers using 20,000 gallons or more during a billing cycle after July 6. The new process consists of a one-time charges on SAWS bills for violations rather than criminal citations.
You can save money, time and the environment by making a few careful choices. These web sites can help.
Gardening from bushes to vegetables.