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Teen Summer 2024

Teen Pride Party

Teens—join us for the annual Teen Pride Party
at the Teen Library to celebrate Pride Month!

Friday, June 21 from 2 - 4 PM*

600 Soledad St
Teen Library, 3rd Floor
San Antonio, TX 78205

Snacks ★ Identity buttons
Pride-themed crafts ★ Games
★ Giveaways ★ New friends ★ & more...!

*The Teen Library is open on Fridays from 10 AM - 6 PM, so feel free to arrive early or hang out afterwards!

Getting to the Central Library

The Teen Library @ Central is located at

600 Soledad St
Teen Library, 3rd Floor
San Antonio, TX 78205

When you enter the Central Library, continue walking forward (past the large Circulation Desk on your right) until you see the Connect / public computers area on your left. Take the elevators to the right of the computers up to the 3rd floor; when you exit the elevator, you'll be right in front of the Teen Library!

Drop Off / Pick Up

If you're getting dropped off / picked up at the Central Library, you can use the library's "horseshoe" driveway for easy access to the library's main entrance.


If you're parking at the Central Library, you can use the Central Library Garage (right next to the library). Parking is free for 3 hours—just be sure to bring your parking ticket in with you to get it validated (the validation machine is located when you first enter the library, in the "blue room.")


Several VIA bus routes pass by the Central Library, including:

2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 21 - 28 - 32 - 43 - 44 - 67 - 79
- 88 - 90 - 93 - 95 - 96 - 97 - 100 - 202 - 204 - 282

To find your best bus route, use one of these planning tools: