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Art for Mental Health & Wellness

Being creative contributes to our physical & emotional well-being. Expressive arts can be healing & empowering.

Art speaks where words are unable to explain. – Pam Holland (Artist)


Your Brain on Art

Craftfulness Mend Yourself by Making Things

How art can change your life


How the Arts Can Benefit Your Mental Health (No Talent Required)

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Here's How Making Art Helps Your Brain


PBS NEWSHOUR: Blend of science and art improving neurological health
Clip: 05/30/2023 | 7m 45s

The blend of science and art is called neuroarts or neuro-aesthetics. The new book, “Your Brain On Art: How The Arts Transform Us,” shows both the growth and importance of the field that connects the arts and our health. Jeffrey Brown visited the Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore to see the progress.