Reading History
If you have already reached your limit when putting items on hold (25) or if you don't want to obtain an item right away, you can save it to a wish list.
Reference (Collection)
A selection of library materials (encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, directories, etc.,) which are kept in a specific location and used to begin research and to answer quick questions. The items in the reference collection are for library use only, so they are always available.
Reference Librarian
Reference librarians have a master's degree in library science and often other graduate degrees as well. They help you find materials needed for research, show you how to use online and other resources, and teach you about the research process.
A criterion (subjective measure of how well a document satisfies the user's information need) used in evaluating the quality of information. Relevance describes how closely the contents of an information source match the topic.
An extension of the loan period for cheked out library materials. You can renew items through or by calling the at 210-207-2500
Research Databases
The databases the library subscribes to. They can be accessed using your valid library card login through the library’s website.They contain e-books, periodical citations, abstracts and full text, reference books (encyclopedias, dictionaries), and other information sources.
RSS feeds
RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts