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What Do I Read Now?

Tips and suggestions for choosing your next read.

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What do I read now?

First you have to decide what you like (in general) and what you want (at the moment).

What appeals to you? What kind of story are you in the mood for right now?

Do you want a fast-paced mystery with lots of action? Or would you prefer a slow-building journey of self-discovery?


Whether you like Fiction or Non-Fiction, read a lot or just a little, often times the toughest part is figuring out what to read next.  This handy guide offers a variety of ways to get you started on your next, great read.

Here's how the library can help. . .


The Library can help in person as well as electronically!

Choosing what to read or watch—whether you’re seeking entertainment or enlightenment—may seem overwhelming.

However, the library will help you choose the book (or movie or magazine) that will best suit your purpose and your taste.

Visit the library in person and we can offer advice as to the books that will fit your desire.

We also offer suggestions online through Book and Media Recommendations as well as providing online resources to help you look for yourself, such as NoveList Plus.

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Series -- help!

  Most of us would prefer to read our series in order. (Makes sense; you can avoid spoilers that way, right?)

  But when you're faced with 50+ titles by J D Robb in her Eve Dallas series, how do you figure out which one should read next? Well, the resources below can help you out with that!

Favorite Books

Web Sites for your reading needs

  These web sites can help you choose your next book, express your opinion about what you just finished reading, and see what others are reading.