Our libraries are dedicated to inclusivity and diversity, and we are continuously working to make sure that our collections reflect that attitude. If you ever need help locating a particular topic, we will try our best to find the information that you need whether it is on our shelves or located elsewhere.
If you prefer to browse on your own, here is a handy guide to help you search.
306.76 - Sexual orientation
306.762 – Asexuality
306.764 - Heterosexuality
306.765 - Bisexuality
306.766 - Homosexuality (in general)
306.7662 - Male homosexuality (gay men)
306.7663 - Lesbian
306.768 - Transgender
Fiction and Media
Fiction is sorted by the author's last name. This can make it a little tricky to locate materials that feature LGBTQ+ characters and themes. However, if you go into the library catalog and search by "tag" rather than "keyword", you can look for either "lgbt", "lgbtq", or "lgbtq+" and pull up a list of materials related to those subjects.
Subject Headings
Subject headings can help lead you to other topics related to your original search. They are also a great way to get started when you have a subject in mind, but don't know a particular book you are looking for. Here are some LGBTQ+ subject headings you can use to find books. Simply change your search from "keyword" to "subject" and plug these into the search bar:
Lesbians — Fiction
Gays — Fiction
Bisexuals — Fiction
Sexual Orientation — Fiction
Transgender People — Fiction
Sexual Minorities — United States — History
Gay Rights — United States
Juvenile Books Subject Headings
Homosexuality - Juvenile Fiction
Gender Non-Conformity - Juvenile Fiction
Gay Teenagers - Juvenile Fiction
Gender Identity - Juvenile Fiction
Lesbians - Juvenile Fiction
Coming Out (Sexual Orientation) - Juvenile Fiction
LGBTQ+ Reading Lists
Queer YA Book Lists
Queer Children's and Tween's Books
Queer Literary Awards
Check out the below for books that have earned awards for queer writing.