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Westerns and Western Subgenres in Film, Literature, and TV

The Revisionist Western

The Revisionist Western was created to reinvent the Western genre entirely. These narratives work to subvert the themes and characters found in Classic Westerns. In Classic Westerns, audiences are provided with a polished and romanticized version of the Old West whose inhabitants exist entirely within one end of the moral spectrum or the other. Revisionist Westerns serve to de-mythologize this period of American history and show it for what it truly was: ruthless, lawless badlands filled with a wide variety of characters (most of whom were morally gray, at best). In these stories, protagonists there are mostly anti-heroes who fight for their own interpretations of justice, and they choose to follow whichever laws they please while ignoring those that hold them back. Other protagonists may begin with good moral standing, but the brutality of the setting, their conflicts, and their adversaries may work to change them for the worse.

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