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Veteran Resources

Resources to guide veterans, past and present, in various materials such as mental health, VA clinics, education, job finding, resume writing, service dogs, and more.

Legal Aid

Legal aid is a tool used to help veterans and their dependents with free legal advice/assistance in multiple areas, such as housing rights, power of attorneys, wills, filing VA claims, raising VA ratings, retrieving military records, etc.

Legal Aid Services Directory

San Antonio Legal Services Association (SALSA):
Phone: 210-678-8100

SAPL's Gale Legal Forms Database:
Provides legal definitions, legal forms, attorney directory, law digest, legal Q&A, and more.
(Access at SAPL with no library card or on the go with your library card and password)

SALSA Library Support: 

  • Every once in the while, SAPL hosts SALSA at the library for patron 1-on-1 with veteran lawyers. These lawyers help low income families. Please Visit the SAPL Events Page to see if your library will be hosting a Pro-Bono legal Service 

Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid:
Phone: 210-212-3740 (Texas Veterans Advocacy - San Antonio)
Phone: 956-996-8752
Phone: 833-329-8752

Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court:
County Court 6 
Phone: 210-335-2156
Phone: 210-335-6640

JBSA Legal Assistance Office (service members only):

Understanding Housing Rights:
St. Mary's Law Clinic
Phone: 210-570-6135 

Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid
Phone: 833-329-8752

Phone: 210-678-8100

Texas Disability Law for Service Animals:
Office of the Texas Governor
Phone: 512-463-2000

ADA Requirements for Service Animals:
Phone: 1-800-514-0301