Teens are eager to help and please. They do not always have the best communication skills, which can be misinterpreted as being unfriendly or not wanting to learn. A couple of things to keep in mind:
Off-site Volunteers
All the off-site teen volunteer hours will be submitted to Organizational Health together. At the end of the month, teens will report their hours directly to one off-site liaison. If your teens are used to reporting to you, coordinate with (currently Daniella Toll) to report off-site teen volunteer hours.
In-Person Volunteers
You, as the teen liaison, will be the direct supervisor for teen volunteers. At the end of each month, coordinate with your branch's volunteer liaison to submit volunteer hours to Organizational Health's SAPL Volunteer Services Teams team, in the Volunteers Reports channel.
Keep organized
When teens are ready to submit their hours to the school or organization, you can send their confirmation letter. You can either email this to the teen, or have them come to the branch to pick it up. (note: the confirmation can be paper, or electronic. Many schools use x2VOL).