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Author Readalikes

Individual pages for each author listing series order and suggesting readalikes.

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On Stage & Film

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have appeared on stage and on film many times.

Last Update:

Last updated: May 2020. (CM)

Meet: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Unquestionably Doyle is best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes. But Doyle actually grew to hate his famous detective.

Doyle personally investigated two closed cases, leading to the men originally convicted of the crimes being exonerated. And the cases contributed to the establishment of the Court of Criminal Appeals in 1907.

The biggest problem with the Sherlock Holmes stories? There aren't enough to keep Doyle's fans happy, so many authors have turned their attention to creating new stories involving Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, Mrs. Hudson, Inspector Lestrade and many others.

Bibliography/Series info


Sherlock Holmes Series

Doyle wrote 4 full-length novels and 56 short stories featuring Sherlock Holmes. The publication order is listed below, but you can read them in any order.

If you're looking for more Holmes & Watson. . .

    Is your biggest complaint the (relatively) small number of stories? Want more Holmes and Watson? Take a look at these attempts by various authors to reproduce Doyle's detective and his Boswell.

If you want more of Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Moriarty, etc. . .

    Some characters appeared in multiple stories. Some appeared only once. But each of the books below features a character from Doyle's Victorian London that stole reader's hearts.

If you want more Holmes, but don't care for Watson. . .

    While many fans insist on both Holmes *and* Watson, not everyone does. These authors have paired Holmes with other partners. 

If you want to try something inspired by Holmes . . .

    Want to read something that attempts the blend of mystery, comradeship and an atmospheric setting? Take a look at these:

If you liked the Sherlock Holmes/Dr. Watson pairing

If you want to see Doyle as a character. . .

    Amused at the idea of seeing the creator of our beloved character as a fictional character himself? Take a look at these stories:

If you want to learn more about Doyle's real life. . .