Many of Stephen King's novels have been made into films.
Last updated: October 2020
Stephen King is a writer who skillfully combines attractive heroes and terrible villains with fast-paced stories drawn from our deepest nightmares and set in haunting landscapes, though often in Maine.
There's no one just like King, but taste a different author for a flavor of King's horrific storytelling.
If you enjoyed Stephen King's Dark Tower Series, take a look at these similar books.
If you enjoyed Stephen Kings' Stand and the vision of one man trying to save a world against disease, try these apocaylptic novels.
Stephen King often writes books where the characters can be just as horrific to each other as any monster. Here are some books that will set your hair on end because of their characters.
Some of King's stories have evil spirits leading characters to do bad things. If you enjoy the unseen hand, you might enjoy reading these supernaturally good books.
Here are some downloadable titles that may interest you. Be sure to check out the eLibrary Guide for more information on downloadables on how they work with your library card and home computer.